CMS Documentation

CMS Content Block

Content block Pricing renders a list of price items containing title, description, list of attributes, prices and optionally also an image.
There are different variants in terms of columns:
1, 2, 3, 4 columns. Additionally there are 2 color modes: white (white background), primary (primary light background). The display title is optional.

Pricing Example 4cols


Cronut veniam kickstarter, irure af pok pok chillwave paleo. La croix taxidermy chambray organic post-ironic photo booth.

24/7 Access

Best website

Arpia AG

Custom label
CHF 111/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat. Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.

Another service

Yet another Service

Mega giga service

Starting at
EUR 222/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.

Large Support

Another Support

Starting at
CHF 333/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Custom man!

Again more custom rem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.rem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Ultra custom

Mega giga custom

Starting at
CHF 4444/mo

Pricing Example 3cols


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.




Starting at
CHF 111/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Brr what?

Again Another

EUR 222/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service,

Service A

Service B

Service C

Starting at
CHF 333/mo

Pricing Example 2cols


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.




Starting at
CHF 111/mo


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Bee dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Starting at
CHF 222/mo

Price Cols 1


Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Service A

Service B

Starting at
CHF 111/mo

With images

Plan A

Plan A

Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct. Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.


Another service

What the fuck
EUR 666/mo
Plan B

Plan B

Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct. Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.

Some attribute

Starting at
CHF 5556/mo
Plan C

Plan C

Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastructure as a Service, lorem ipsum dolor sit ametr sit erat.Infrastruct.


Starting at
CHF 222/mo