CMS Documentation

CMS Content Block

The cms content block Image is for rendering images. The default aspect ratios are highly dynamic due to responsive design and therefore preset for each individual device. Image will be cropped per default to the different aspect ratios. Nonetheless there is also an option to render images in original dimensions (aspect ratio: preserve) for example a good fit for showing info graphics (in addition with the light box tool). The images are optionally zoomable (image zoom tool / lightbox). There are 3 different size variants:

  • full screen
  • big with image caption (boxed)
  • small with image caption (right side inside contents)

image: variant fullscreen
image: variant boxed

This is an image caption habby chic pariatur pickled beard lomo. Pug single-origin coffee williamsburg. and image zoom enabled.

Image: variant small

Small image with caption and image zoom enabled.

fixed aspec ratio

Image with fixed aspect ratio, perfect fit for info graphics. Also added the image zoom, so you can have a closer look.