CMS Documentation

CMS Content Block
Contact Form

The cms content block Contact Form is a form which sends contact requests to email addresses and also posts an entry into the cms system. Different contexts of the form can be set, so a user would know which place inside the CMS was contacted.
The address on the right side is optionally addable. The background image is also optional.

Contact form example

Contact form without address

Cronut veniam kickstarter, irure af pok pok chillwave paleo. La croix taxidermy chambray organic post-ironic photo booth.

Contact form example

Contact Form with Address

Cronut veniam kickstarter, irure af pok pok chillwave paleo. La croix taxidermy chambray organic post-ironic photo booth.

Contact Form with Address

Phoenix Systems AG
Hardturmstrasse 103
8005 Zürich

Contact Form with address and background image

Contact Form with address and background image

Contact Form with address and background image

Phoenix Systems AG
Hardturmstrasse 103
8005 Zürich